Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nothing like puking up your Easter feast (not for the weak-stomached ;)

Since I started my blogs, I haven't gone more than every-other-day without making a post, and most days, I post something daily to at least one of the two. But Sunday's festivities took their toll on both Hubby and I and temporarily derailed the blog (and all normal activities).

We hosted Easter dinner—chile/ginger pork loin, mashed potatoes, gravy, appetizers, and apple pie. About 10 minutes after our family guests left, I head to the bathroom and spontaneously puke my guts out. While I am ralphing, Hubby puts Cavan to bed. And a half hour later, he heads to the bathroom for his Round #1. And we continue both alternating and simultaneous digestive evacuation all night.

And both of us discover the little known benefits of both of our bathrooms. Our upstairs bathroom is a teeny half bath—the corner, wall-mounted sink is immediately in front of the toilet, so close that you can puke into it while clearing your colon in the toilet. Similarly, our downstairs, full bath has an interesting feature as well.

The full bath is rather contemporary—the shower has no walls. We have a rain head protruding from the ceiling, and the floor is graded to flow into the center drain. So someone like Hubby, with the ability to projectile vomit, if necessary, can also sit on the pot on one side of the room, spray the contents of his stomach all over the floor, turn on the shower, and just squeegee the mess right down the drain. Talk about easy clean up.

Have you discovered the theme of the last couple days?

But the real hardship of this extravaganza was not the agony of the stomach bug, though excruciating. It was that BOTH Hubby and I sick simultaneously. Because then there's two-year-old, energetic Cavan, who still needs care. Thank goodness that none of our high-volume, violent vomiting woke her up! But come 8 a.m., she was awake and ready to play. This is where Mommy superpowers came in (and our guardian angel!)

How I was able to do it, I do not know, but I somehow held back all bodily eliminations for two hours, while we (she) ate breakfast, got dressed, read books, and played with dollies. And then our angel for the day, Hubby's sister-in-law who lives nearby, arrived to drive Cavan to daycare. Whew. Back to join Hubby in bed (and bath) for seven more hours. And then I got to stay in bed while Hubby went to pick up Cavan and entertain her for a couple hours that evening, before my shift arrived again for the baby's bedtime routine. Then another night of dehydrated misery, but at least the vomiting subsided.

I hope we never again have to experience tumultuous, simultaneous illnesses while our kids are young. And I hope Cavan doesn't end up getting this bug—there would be nothing sadder than watching her survive that misery. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

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