Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Extravagant purchases

Before becoming a parent (and a homeowner), Hubby and I were more extravagant in our purchases. In particular, we ate out a lot—several times a week, in fact. Sushi Mike's was our favorite, followed by a organic burrito joint, Tomatillo, a local Italian restaurant, Sam's, and an authentic Irish pub, Rory Dolan's. But this habit not only got expensive; it became a chore.

Going to a restaurant with a baby or toddler presents several challenges, but that is a post for another day. The next time we take Cavan out to eat with us, I'm sure I'll have an anecdote, so I'll save my commentary until then. (Be prepared to wait a while—we almost never dine out anymore). The point I'm going with today is the extravagant purchases that have replaced this once relaxing and social pastime.

The first is gardening. I am like a lush with a box of wine when it comes to flowers. To hear more about this addiction, check out my other blog, The Almost Green Thumb. But beside the outdoor gardening aspect, I am becoming more and more lavish with indoor flower arrangements. We have a  perfect spot in our living room for floral displays—a shelf in front of a window, in perfect view to enjoy without obstructing any line of sight—and $10 per week for rotating arrangements seems like only a small price to pay to make me smile. I was experimenting this week with contrasting textures and am currently in love with my combo of white hydrangeas and yellow spiked dahlias.

The second is fancy soaps. I have never been one to spend extra money on sumptuous suds, but it has been a growing interest over the last year. For no particular occasions, my mom surprises me with delicious soaps from Bath and Body Works. And for holidays Hubby's mom gives me a Crabtree and Evelyn avocado oil soap or body wash.  And Hubby really treated me with a gift box of L'Occitane verbena soaps and lotions for Christmas. Another of my must-haves is Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day lavender hand soap, and I randomly found a brand called Tusca Mia (olive oil and sage scent) on a check-out end-cap at Walmart. I bought three bottles at the time but haven't been able to find it since.

I could just continue to wash my hands with the same Dawn that does my dishes (it's worked for years, so why not?) But a nice soap is a pleasure that I feel no guilt over anymore. I barely get out of the house, except to go to work and run errands, so why not have a little aromatherapy vacation during the 50 times I wash my hands per day. $3.99 per bottle is the cost of a smile—an extravagance well worth it.


  1. I too ran across the tusca mia soaps at walmart and have also been looking for more of it with no luck. the brand doesnt even come up on the net- if anyone knows where to find it I would be glad if they would share the info. and seems odd the company isnt interested in selling the product going by how impossible it is to find! Definitely a worth while little treat if we could only find more!

    1. I contacted them when I found it and they said it was a trial period and now it is discontinued. They said there was no where you could get it besides Walmart during the trial period

    2. i love theses products! I bought about $100 years ago,and think they should bring it back,its by far the best that could be on the market.

  2. We have also been looking for the Tusca Mia olive oil and sage soap. We loved the product but now can't find it anywhere.

  3. I found the companyy that made the Tusca Mia for Walmart but not the Olive Oil and Sage hand soap.


  4. I am also looking for the Tusca Mia hand soap ..with olive extract and fresh lemon and thyme. ANY IDEAS! I reallllly liked it, and have looked all over the place ofr it

  5. My mother recently bought it off of Ebay I think.

  6. Also their email address is on the back of the bottle so you can email them and ask them what retailers they sell at...


  7. Just happened to come across a whole Kitchen Set of Tusca Mia Olive Tree & Sage at Costco!

  8. I found some at Winners .
