Friday, September 23, 2011

The Green Smoothie Diet

I'm starting the first diet I've ever been on in my life. Yes, I gave birth only two months ago, but I am beyond ready to get my pre-baby body back.

Step One—old habits: I will have to abstain from eating a whole bag of mini Kit-Kats while watching Bravo's The Millionaire Matchmaker as baby sleeps on my lap. And I'll probably have to avoid eating chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a bologna sandwiches for lunch. Or Lay's sour cream and onion chips paired with half a cantaloupe. Noticing a trend. Apparently my pregnancy cravings did not disappear with my baby tummy. Therefore, I still look like I have a baby tummy.

Step Two—new diet: Integrate one quart of green smoothies into my day. Green smoothie, you say? Basically it is drinking a fruit and lettuce salad. The premise is that most people are seriously delinquent in eating green vegetables, particularly leafy vegetables, which boast super vitamins and minerals and low calories. I know I fall into that category. So instead of eating 800 calories of Kit-Kats (as satisfying as that is), I will drink my greens.

This week's concoction: 1/2 head of romaine, one cup of strawberries, two bananas and two cups of water. This makes one quart, which you should drink in one day, every day. The fibrous texture was a little odd to start with, but since I like salad, the smoothie itself is pretty tasty.

Next week (since you are supposed to vary the type of greens on a weekly basis): 1/2 bunch spinach, four apples, 1/2 lime with peel, one banana, and two cups water. Yields one quart. Drink every day.

Another twist to the diet—it was Hubby's idea. Not for me to lose weight, but he was the one that wanted to start the diet himself. So we're going to do it together.

Eventually I'll have to start exercising, but that is a blog for another day.

1 comment:

  1. One of the latest trends in weight loss is the green smoothie diet. There are many websites out there dedicated to this natural, holistic way to cleansing the body and losing a few of those unwanted pounds. 
