Friday, September 23, 2011

Personal Ad

I will ask you if this outfit makes me look fat, and you will be honest. Even if I get pissed at the time.

I will tell you not to buy me a birthday present, and when you do, my eyes will light up. And when you don’t, I will love you even more for being true to my request.

I will watch the Yankees with you, and you will flip to American Idol during the commericials—and wait for the next commercial to click back to baseball.

I will make you Kraft mac and cheese, and you will make me potato-scallion crusted halibut with asparagus drizzled in hollandaise.

I will feed, change, tickle, bathe, teach, referee and spoil the kids all day, and you will put them to bed while I sit on the couch and veg out with a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

I will love you because you will do what you love, even if we'll never be rich.

I will love you despite worrying about money every time the 1st rolls around, and you will work even harder every time I write a check.

I will love you because you will put our children first.

I will love you because you will make our kids scream with hysteria every time you make a fake fart noise.

I will love you because we will be a team.

And you will love me when I am a pain in the ass.


  1. This was so very fun. I love the part about you making him mac-n-cheese, and he making you the fancy halibut. That's how it is around here!
