Friday, January 20, 2012

New Year's resolutions: almost one month strong

I am generally not the type to make New Year's resolutions, but this year, major changes were implemented by Hubby and I right around January 1. And three weeks later, they are all still going strong.

1. Exercise
In case you didn't notice, I had a baby last July and I am anxious to get, not only my pre-baby body back, but a rockin' body back. I started going back to Bikram yoga twice a week around Thanksgiving, but I wanted to add some sort of strength and cardio training as well. It just so happened that a CrossFit studio just opened up five minutes away from my house, so I pounced on the grand opening 50%-off class packages and bought 20 classes. For three weeks I have been going once to CrossFit and once or twice per week to yoga. I am actually starting to notice a difference (in addition to being sore!)

But even more awesome than my workout program is Hubby's new workout schedule. Hubs joined a gym (not the impressive part because he has many times shelled out hundreds of dollars on equipment and memberships never to use them) AND has gone three times per week since January first. WOW!

2. Eating/drinking healthy
Organic. Again, not because of the new year, but in the recent past, Hubs and I started buying organic here and there. But now, having read so much about pesticides and hormones and antibiotics in food, we have decided that it is a habit we will keep up with (though I will not stress if the product is regular grade on occasion.) Milk, yogurt, chicken, peaches, apples, pears, celery, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, spinach (and other greens), and strawberries are our organic hit list (items that are typically high in the bad stuff). 

Soda. I also have eliminated soda from my life. I used to religiously have one Coke or Dr. Pepper in the morning when I got up. But I want to lose baby weight, so extra sugar does not help. So I have been brewing pitchers of iced tea instead. No sugar added.

Water. Drinking water has never been a problem for me. I love bottles of water. But Hubs never drank any water. I'm really not exaggerating. He wouldn't drink anything all day and then enjoy a couple brewskis when he got home. That was the extent of his liquid consumption. So for Christmas I bought six fancy glass drinking bottles and a fridge water purifier. Guess who's been drinking multiple bottles of water every day?! Which brings me to my next point...

3. Reducing recycling
We are a recycling household, but giving up soda and Poland Spring bottles makes me feel like I'm doing good for the planet in some small way.

4. Getting organized
This is not really a routine to track, but I'm on a mission to get rid of all the crap in the house. I started with the "junk drawer." Everyone has one. I think we have about five. So I bought a drawer organizer, pulled out a trash bag and purged the worst offender. Three weeks later, it is still clean and organized! Now onto the others...

I'm pretty proud of us, even though it is still only January. 2012 is off to a great start.

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